

1601 Zack Hinton Parkway, STE 1601
McDonough, GA 30253

AdzZoo is dedicated to helping local businesses reconnect with their local markets while offering a rewarding business opportunity to our Campaign Directors and Sales Representatives.

While the Internet has changed the face of business forever, one large business segment has been left behind – The Local Business Owner. AdzZoo’s cutting-edge solution designs and implements a complete geo-targeted online advertising campaign providing these owners a solution allowing them to compete with national chains and major corporations.

AdzZoo’s commitment to redefining the way local businesses advertise is attributed to its founders, an innovative, dynamic and experienced team of professionals. Their forward thinking approach to local business marketing has provided businesses with a unique positioning in the arena of multimedia advertising. Existing on the Internet is no longer enough. AdzZoo’s local search engine optimization tactics provide a presence with a purpose.
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