Cognitive Creations

Cognitive Creations

1145 Brogdon Dr
Powder Springs, GA

Have you ever wanted to know more about marketing your web site, updating your site without the need of a webmaster, building an online store, or starting an affiliate program. Have you wondered how to make your site receive more hits. We can show you web site marketing strategies that will supercahrge your.

Cognitive Creations, inc provides solutions that can take your online business to the next level. All of our estore solutions keep you in control of your site. This includes web site tools to help you maintain your web site. We can provide you with an updated web site, e-commerce solution, affiliate programs, search engine optimization, education on internet strategies and solutions to reach your customers and maintain your contacts.

If you are struggeling to start your online business or your not sure how to procede with your website, we have a book that has been verry successful and now it has been revamped for 2004 to bring all of its information up to date. Just follow the plan in 33 Day to Online Success and you too can have a money making site.

Specific problems we can help you solve include:

* Converting your existing web site into a site that you can maintain. (no longer requiring you to pay out hour after hour for updates).
* Adding a store to your site that includes a shopping cart, special pricing, taxes, shipping and many others.
* Create an affiliate program to help you recruit an army of people willing to sell your products for you.
* Update your web site.
* Create and maintain a opt in email list for use with newsletters or product mailing.
* Help you create a newsletter to work with your marketing strategy
* Provide educational materials that you can use to help you with your marketing.
* Provide innovative solutions that can help you sell your overstock at full price.

Internet marketing ecommerce solutions

If you are struggling with your marketing text we can provide you with several marketing courses. Direct Marketing Hotseat is a goldmine of information that goes through specific examples and shows how to construct a more appealing offer. Power Copyrighting for the Internet privides you with a 32 step formula that guides you through makeing a more compelling offer that people will want to buy. These courses help you out with marketing your services or creating marketing material that sells. We believe so strongly that you will learn the secretes provided that we offer a 1 year, money back guarantee, no questions asked.

We don't stop until you have a solution you can maintain it for yourself.

Todd Peterson,
President Cognitive Creations, inc
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