Elegant Image Studios, Inc.

Elegant Image Studios, Inc.

204 Alcovy Street
Monroe, Ga 30655

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1305
Monroe, Ga 30655
Phone:(678) 261-7498
Toll Free:(877) 462-8880
Fax:(678) 884-9121

he Passionate Pursuit of Perfection!

The Elegant Image Studio Web Design Experience

Elegant Image Studios can design and build a captivating eye catching web site that will propel your business to the next level. Let's face it, no one uses the yellow pages anymore. We are on the verge of another explosive growth period on the internet according to Trends Magazine, beginning this year and on into the year 2010.

Elegant Image Studios has a vast amount of experience. OUr team has been responsible for over 300 web site designs. We are a small boutique firm with a staff of web designers, developers, photographers, programmers and SEO copywriters, content writers.

Free Unlimited Updates For The First 90 Days

As part of our web design package, we include unlimited updates for the first 90 days. This does two things for your business. One, it allows us to insure your site continues to look great and two, it does not take away valuable time that you and your employees could be spending actually running your business. It also allows you to see exactly how often you will need to update your site. If you have updates often, then we can place you on a monthly maintenance plan after 90 days or create a dynamic site that you can update yourself. If you see that you only need to update once or twice a year, then we can bill you as needed.

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