Murphy Consulting, Inc. (MURCON)
121 Valley Way
Pendergrass, GA 30567

MURCON -- Internet Marketing and More!

Welcome to MURCON!

If you need help with your Internet Marketing, you have come to the right place! We can help you ...

* establish or update your internet presence through Website Design and Development using the latest in search engine optimized techniques.

* drive more traffic to your website through effective Search Engine Marketing using search engine optimization (SEO), paid search (pay per click), and other techniques.

* keep in touch with your customers and prospects through Email Marketing in partnership with world renowned Constant Contact.

* better manage your organization's data through Database Application Development.

Announcing MG-411 -- a Google GOOG-411 positioning assistance service. Click for more information!!

We have been in business over 15 years and know the Internet Marketing business. Let us provide you with a quote for services or just call us to discuss your situation. Go to our contact page and send us an email or give us a call at 1-866-4-MURCON (866-468-7266).

Thanks for visiting MURCON where We Do Internet Marketing and More!
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