WEBPRO International
WEBPRO International
Savannah, GA
Toll : 888-999-4887
Office : 912.988.3065
Fax : 912.988.3041
Does your web site graduate in the top 1% of its' class?
The technique we're talking about is organic search marketing. It's not only time consuming but organic SEO requires an understanding of search engine mechanics. If improperly implemented your web site may be subjected to being dropped altogether or banned from the search index.
"It takes more than a $150.00 program to make a webmaster.
Developing a web page is an unseen art."
Are Your Search Engine Marketing Efforts Paying Off?
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or (SEO) Search Engine Optimization is one of the hottest disciplines in marketing today—and for good reason. More than 625 million searches are conducted online every day.
Search is by far the #1 way visitors find products online (Source: Doubleclick). In addition, search engine advertising spending is up 134% (Source: IAB, PricewaterhouseCoopers) at a time when other forms of online advertising are struggling.
Where do you rank?
Do you have any means of measuring any activity?
All of these signs point to search becoming more and more strategic within the marketing mix. Primarily because it's the most cost-effective way to drive qualified traffic to your site. Unlike other advertising mediums, it's non-intrusive—meaning prospective customers are actively seeking information relevant to your products and services.